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特价旅游网 2024-09-16 09:16 特价旅游 0


英语缩略词“SF”经常作为“San Francisco”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“旧金山”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词SF所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。此外,还有关于缩略词SF的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。



英文单词:San Francisco


中文拼音:jiù jīn shān


中文详细解释:旧金山(San Francisco),又译“三藩市”、“圣弗朗西斯科”,美国加利福尼亚州太平洋沿岸港口城市,世界著名旅游胜地、加州(人口)第四大城市。


关于该缩写词的介绍:旧金山(San Francisco),又译“三藩市”、“圣弗朗西斯科”,美国加利福尼亚州太平洋沿岸港口城市,世界著名旅游胜地、加州(人口)第四大城市。



以上为San Francisco英文缩略词SF的中文解释,以及该英文缩写在英语的流行度、分类和应用领域方面的信息。


I visited with him in San Francisco(SF).


San Francisco(SF) and New York are important mercantile ports in America.


Where will you stay when you get to San Francisco(SF)?


He arrived in San Francisco(SF), having left New Jersey on January 19th


Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco(SF) thoroughfare for today's march


上述内容是“San Francisco”作为“SF”的缩写,解释为“旧金山”时的信息,以及英语缩略词SF所代表的英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度和相关分类、应用领域及应用示例等。


旧金山的英文名是San Francisco。1. 旧金山的英文名是San Francisco。2. San Francisco是旧金山的官方英文名。这个名字来源于西班牙语,最早是由第一批西班牙探险家给予这个地方的名字。3. 旧金山作为美国加利福尼亚州的一座城市,被称为国际金融、文化和技术创新中心。它以陡峭的山丘、美丽的海湾景色以及特色的文化和艺术活动而闻名。旧金山还拥有许多著名的景点和地标,如金门大桥、渔人码头和艺术区,吸引着众多游客和居民。


美国旧金山的英语是San Francisco。 例如我们说:旧金山是美国“通向东方的大门”,用英语说就是:San Francisco is generally known as the U.S. “ gateway to the Orient ”. San Francisco又可以译为“三藩市”、“圣弗朗西斯科”,他是美国加利福尼亚州太平洋沿岸的港口城市,是世界著名旅游胜地、北加州的核心城市。




















旧金山著名的旅游景点 旧金山是美国加利福尼亚州最著名的城市之一,以其壮丽的地理环境、多样化的文化和令人难以忘怀的旅游景点而闻名于世。无论您是第一次来访还是想要重新探索这座城市,下面将为您介绍几个必访的旧金山著名景点。 金门大桥 金门大桥无疑是旧金山的标志性景点之一。它连接了旧金山市和马林县,横跨在旧金山湾上,是世界上最长的悬索桥之一。游客可以步行或骑自行车到达桥上俯瞰城市壮丽的景色,并欣赏到海湾的壮丽景色。不仅如此,桥上还有观景台和展览馆,您可以了解金门大桥的建造历史和背后的故事。 渔人码头 渔人码头是旧金山最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,也是一个娱乐、购物和美食的胜地。您可以欣赏到海湾的美景,观赏街头艺人的表演,购买纪念品和当地特色商品,还可以品尝到各种美味的海鲜和国际美食。在渔人码头,您可以找到各种各样的活动,从游览博物馆到乘坐观光船游览海湾,总有一款适合您的选择。 金门公园 金门公园是一个广袤的城市公园,位于旧金山市西北部。这个公园是一个休闲、娱乐和户外活动的天堂。公园内有许多迷人的景点和设施,包括草地、花园、湖泊和步道。您可以在这里举行野餐、散步、骑自行车或者欣赏壮丽的海洋和山脉美景。公园还有许多户外艺术展览和音乐表演,为您的旅游体验增添了一份文化氛围。 艺术宫 旧金山艺术宫是美国最大的艺术博物馆之一,也是世界上最受欢迎的艺术机构之一。它收藏了各种类型的艺术品,包括绘画、雕塑、摄影、工艺品和装饰艺术品。在艺术宫,您可以欣赏到来自世界各地的艺术作品,体验不同文化的魅力。此外,艺术宫还举办临时展览、讲座和教育活动,为您提供更深入的艺术体验。 科学艺术中心 位于旧金山市中心的科学艺术中心是一个融合了科学、艺术和创新的文化机构。中心内有许多展览,涵盖了自然科学、人类进化、可持续发展和艺术创作等领域。您可以参加互动展览、观看科学实验演示、参与艺术工作坊以及观看科学电影。这里是一个让孩子和大人都能够在玩乐中学习的好地方。 海滩 旧金山周围的海滩也是一些游客喜欢探索的地方。其中最著名的是奥西瑟海滩和贝克海滩。奥西瑟海滩以其壮观的海洋景色和冲浪胜地而闻名,吸引了许多水上运动爱好者。贝克海滩则是一个宁静的海滩,适合散步、呼吸新鲜空气或者观赏海鸟。不论您是想要冲浪还是享受海滩的宁静,旧金山周围的海滩都能满足您的需求。 结束语 旧金山作为一个多元化、富有文化底蕴的城市,拥有众多的旅游景点,每年吸引了大批国内外游客的到来。无论您喜欢城市的繁华景观、自然的美景还是丰富的文化活动,旧金山都能满足您的期待。希望本文为您提供了一些有用的旅游信息,让您对旧金山的旅游规划有所帮助。


San Francisco is a popular destination for visitors from around the world. Here are some of the top attractions in San Francisco:

1. Golden Gate Bridge: This iconic suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait and is one of the most photographed landmarks in the world.

2. Alcatraz Island: This former federal prison is now one of San Francisco's most popular tourist attractions. Visitors can take a ferry to the island and explore the prison, which once housed notorious criminals like Al Capone.

3. Fisherman's Wharf: This lively waterfront neighborhood is home to seafood restaurants, souvenir shops, and street performers.

4. Chinatown: San Francisco's Chinatown is the oldest and largest Chinatown in North America. Visitors can browse the shops, sample the food, and explore the ornate temples.

5. Cable Cars: San Francisco's cable cars are a unique and historic way to see the city. Visitors can hop on and off at different stops around the city.

6. Lombard Street: This steep, winding street in the Russian Hill neighborhood is famous for its eight hairpin turns.

7. Palace of Fine Arts: This beautiful Beaux-Arts structure was originally built for the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition and now serves as a venue for art exhibitions and performances.

8. Golden Gate Park: This massive urban park is home to gardens, lakes, museums, and recreational facilities.

9. Coit Tower: This tower atop Telegraph Hill offers panoramic views of the city and the bay.

10. Exploratorium: This interactive science museum is a great place for families to learn and play together.

These are just a few of the many attractions that San Francisco has to offer. Visitors can also enjoy the city's diverse neighborhoods, world-class restaurants, and vibrant arts and culture scene.


旧金山唐人街英文China town in San Francisco

旧金山的唐人街(Chinatown)是美国西部最大的可与纽约唐人街相比的地方,都板街Grant Avenue和加利福尼亚街California Street交叉处为其中心形成,唐人街以布什街Bush Street, 鲍威尔街Powell Street, 百老汇街Broadway, 科尔尼街Kearny Street为范围形成一个区域。这里大约有十万余名华侨居住。这里所写的所听的都是汉语,所见的都十分有中国传统风格,宛然是一个小中国。唐人街具有自生活杂货至珍贵珠宝所有中国货,还保有传统餐饮及建筑穿着,游客尽可享受多彩多姿的中国文化。



1. 金门大桥


2. 渔人码头


3. 阿尔卡特拉斯岛


4. 旧金山中国城


5. 旧金山艺术宫


6. 旧金山自然历史博物馆


7. 山寨街

旧金山有一条著名的陡峭街道,名为山寨街(Lombard Street)。这条街因其曲折、陡峭而闻名于世,吸引着众多游客前来观赏。山寨街被精心布置成一条盛开鲜花的曲线道路,不仅是旧金山的地标之一,也是拍照留念的绝佳背景。

8. 女王安妮号


9. 联合广场


10. 日落大道




1.上海东方明珠广播电视塔Shanghai Oriental Pearl Radio and TELEVISION Tower

2.上海外滩The bund in Shanghai

3.上海科技馆Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

4.上海野生动物园Shanghai Wildlife Park


泰姬陵 Taj Mahal

Great Wall is not a true man, not the Taj Mahal, equal has never been to India.

Taj Mahal (TajMahal) located in the outskirts of Agra. India's Taj Mahal is one of the world's seven architectural wonders, Taj Mahal (TajMahal), also known as the Taj Mahal. Mughal monarch 5th generation - Shah Jahan (ShahJahan) Wong Hou Muta for his beloved Chicago Maha (MamtazMahal) of the witness of love.

Construction of the Taj Mahal is in fact a moving story, saying that Shah Jahan married 19 years with the Queen, the Queen in 1630, the 14th production of the death of the emperor before the death of four required commitment, one of which is everyone can build for her to pay tribute to the beauty of a mausoleum. So Shah Jahan would cost 50 million rupees to 20,000 artisans, took 22 years to complete this shocked the world of marble arts building, the final resting place as the favored concubines. 1633, the Taj Mahal in India, Shah Jahan selected northern corner of the Yamuna start building a large garden. Here in the Yamuna River, is very open, Shah Jahan from the castle on the river upstream of Agra saw far. Shah Jahan architecture and jewelry most popular, so he used marble Taj Mahal, and in a very delicate craft in countless marble inlaid stones for decoration. Country and Persia, Turkey, Baghdad, architects, setters, Master Books, sculptors, masons total of twenty thousand people participated in the construction of the Taj Mahal. This project used a local marble, China, precious stones, crystal and jade, Baghdad and Yemen, agate, emerald Tibet, Sri Lanka's precious stones, coral and other Arab. Taj Mahal with the seasons, time and change. At dawn, the Taj Mahal showing pink, blooming like flowers; noon, the Taj Mahal is white, bright light; evening, the Taj Mahal was gray, soft colors like pearl. Receded in the moon, star flashing weather, the Taj Mahal may be showing a white tiger amber, gray, golden brown. In overcast weather, the Taj Mahal like winter mist floating in the air, flickering mirage. Architectural features Agra: Taj Mahal, a wide area, from the vestibule, the main entrance, Mughal gardens and main mausoleum consisting of two mosques. Cylindrical tower tomb has a square main hall, in particular, place each tower are tilted outward 12 degrees, when there are earthquakes will fall to the Quartet, and will not affect the main hall. Whether looked at any angle, pure white Taj Mahal are very magnificent, perfect shape, with the reflection pool before the tomb, the Taj Mahal as a two reflect each other, no wonder known as one of the seven wonders of the world . Focused on building the Taj Mahal in India, the Middle East, Persian architectural features, the layout of the perfect harmony, is a rare masterpiece of architectural history.

Mughal Garden: This garden is a typical Persian garden, located in the main front, the central fountain with a waterway, and there are two lines of trees in the garden side by side is divided into four equally sized rectangular, because the four words in the Islamic Education has a sacred and peaceful means.

Tomb of the main: the main building was octagonal central dome is a dome, the whole body are to Shah Jahan's favorite white marble was built in white marble is studded with precious stones of various colors, patchwork into some beautiful patterns and designs. Building, dug in below the main 18 wells, each well is a layer of stones, a layer of teak way to stack up to the grassroots level, to reduce earthquake damage to the subject, see Shah Jahan's love for the Queen . Penetration inside the tomb of the sun alone outdoor lighting, the marble screen has two empty sarcophagi, and Shah Jahan and the Queen's final resting place is a real underground crypt in another.

White poignant romantic love song: Taj palace for 19 years, in 1630 after giving birth to 14th child died in Nanzheng barracks. Shah Jahan extremely sad, for sustenance of her thoughts, that is recruited artisans from around the world, the construction of this enduring construction. He has said that Taj Mahal is completed, it intends to build their own one in black marble as the material, the same structure of the tomb, with distant relative. However, in later years his son Aurangzeb usurped the throne sets of rights, and he was imprisoned in the Agra Baonei, and even let him see the Taj Mahal. It is said that Shah Jahan night only through the reflection of a large crystal stone, staring at a few kilometers outside the tomb. Shah Jahan imprisoned for seven years after the death, corpses were buried inside the Taj Mahal next to, perhaps more than the other tombs buried together this new love story ending. Agra mosque: a mosque in the main on each side, made of red sandstone building, the top is a typical white dome, the construction of two mosques and the main purpose is to maintain the balance of the whole effect of building the Taj Mahal in order to achieve the beauty of symmetry. It is said that when the most beautiful Taj Mahal, is Yuet night sky, because the white marble mausoleum, will be issued under the moonlight shine light purple, elegant Chu Chen, beautiful and seem down to earth fairy. However, the day of the year opportunity for small, can be appreciated, we should look at your own luck. However, the Taj Mahal in the morning one night, too charming.

As the Taj Mahal in the early in the evening presented a different view, it became the only world tour early in the evening fare is not the same attractions for visitors to India in terms of their own during the day and only 20 rupees, 0700 before or after 17:00 pm but had risen to 110 rupees. In addition, you always remember, do not go on Friday because the day is only open to local Muslims.

Opening Hours :6:00-20: 00 Tickets: Rs 500 + 250 rupees all foreign taxes; 30 Indian rupees.everyweek five pairs of local Muslims open.




1、张家界旅游费用大概1000-3000元左右,具体介绍如下。 2、张家界国家森林公园是主景,门票228元是4天多次进出有效,是世界及自然遗产、中国第一个国家...