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荷兰资料: 荷兰位于欧洲西部,东面与德国为邻,南接比利时。西、北濒临北海,地处莱茵河、马斯河和斯凯尔特河三角洲。位于东经3°21'至7°13'、北纬50°45'至53°52'之间。荷兰国土南北最远端相距约300千米,东西最远端距离约200千米,总面积为41864平方千米。沿海有1800多千米长的海坝和岸堤,海岸线长1075千米。十三世纪以来共围垦约7100多平方千米的土地,相当于荷兰陆地面积的五分之一,如今荷兰国土的18%是人工填海造出来的。




  荷兰国土总面积为41526平方公里,位于欧洲西北部,东面与德国为邻,南接比利时。西、北濒临北海,地处莱茵河、马斯河和斯凯尔特河三角洲,海岸线长1075公里。全境为低地,四分之一的土地海拔不 到1米,四分之一的土地低于海面,沿海有1,800多公里长的海坝和岸堤。十三世纪以来共围垦约7,100多平方公里的土地,相当于全国陆地面积的五分之一。境内河流纵横,主要有莱茵河、马斯河。西北濒海处有艾瑟尔湖。





海牙(荷兰语:Den Haag)是荷兰第三大城市,在阿姆斯特丹和鹿特丹之后,人口47万2千人(2005年1月1日)(大海牙地区约70万人),面积约100平方公里。












  ①荷兰首都。荷兰王国的首都阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)位于艾瑟尔湖西南岸,人口73.5万(2003年)。阿姆斯特尔河从市内流过,从而使该城市成为欧洲内陆水运的交汇点。  阿姆斯特丹是一座奇特的城市。全市共有160多条大小水道,由1000余座桥梁相连。漫游城中,桥梁交错,河渠纵横。从空中鸟瞰,波光如缎,状似蛛网。市内地势低于海平面1—5米,被称为“北方威尼斯”。由于地少人多,河面上泊有近2万家“船屋”。过去,城市的建筑几乎均以涂了黑柏油的木桩打基,以防沉陷。王宫的地基使用了13659根木桩。  “丹”,在荷兰语中是水坝的意思。是荷兰人筑起的水坝使700年前的一个渔村逐步发展成为今天的国际大都市。16世纪末,阿姆斯特丹已成为重要的港口和贸易都市,并曾于17世纪一度成为世界金融、贸易、文化中心。1806年,荷兰将首都迁到阿姆斯特丹,但王室、议会、首相府、中央各部和外交使团仍留在海牙。  阿姆斯特丹是荷兰最大的工业城市和经济中心,拥有7700余家工业企业,工业用钻石产量占世界总量的80%。此外,阿姆斯特丹还拥有世界上最古老的证券交易所。  阿姆斯特丹是荷兰第二大港。港口完全实现了现代化。港内外交通运输十分发达。  鲜花是荷兰重要的出口商品。位于阿姆斯特丹西南郊的阿斯梅尔花卉市场是世界上最大的花市,花卉销往100多个国家。  阿姆斯特丹人居水上、水入城中,人水相依,景自天成。独特的景观使阿姆斯特丹的旅游业十分发达,  阿姆斯特丹又是欧洲文化艺术的名城。全市有40家博物馆。国家博物馆收藏有各种艺术品100多万件,其中不乏蜚声全球的伦勃朗、哈尔斯和弗美尔等大师的杰作。市立现代艺术博物馆和梵高美术馆以收藏17世纪荷兰艺术品而闻名,梵高去世前两天完成的《乌鸦的麦田》和《吃马铃薯的农夫》就陈列在这里。  1994年,阿姆斯特丹与北京结为友好城市。阿姆斯特丹是荷兰的首都,黄金时代的原貌多有保留,几乎是一座活的博物馆。美丽的运河交织出“水都”风光,林立的博物馆囊括荷兰所有知名画家的作品。古典音乐殿堂--国家音乐厅里的演出更是不容错过。  阿姆斯特丹显得古老而极有味道。所有三层和四层的小楼房被蓝色、绿色和红色精心地装饰着,可爱得就象假的一般。这些玩具一般的楼房的门,是那么的狭小,仅能容得一个人走进。古时此地有一条奇怪的法律,门越大交纳的税就越多,无奈的人们只好将门尽量做小,却把窗户做得很大,家具什么的都从窗口吊运进出。所有小楼房的顶部,都有数个伸出来的铁钩子,以固定吊运物品所用的绳索。  密密的水道又将这些可爱的街巷一块一块地分割开来,成群的海鸥在水道和楼房间飞舞,欺负着在水里觅食的鸭子,仿若北方的威尼斯。  主要景点  国家音乐厅(Concertgebouw,Concertgebouwplein 2-6):国家音乐厅是阿姆斯特丹国家音乐厅管弦乐团的根据地,演出季节自9月到次年6月。购票处在莱兹广场的旅游服务处、阿姆斯特丹旅游服务处或该乐团办公室。  音乐剧院(Muziek Theater,Amstel 3):音乐剧院是荷兰国立歌剧院与国家芭蕾舞团所在地。是一座现代化的圆形剧场,与阿姆斯特丹市政府为邻。  荷兰赌场(Holland Casino, Max Euweplein):需带护照,不得作弊。营业时间为每天13:30-3:00,门票为荷币5元。  丽锦秀(LIDO,Max Euwiplein):丽锦秀是模仿巴黎丽都晚餐秀。  王宫(Koninklijk Paoeis, Dam):1655年兴建时作为阿姆斯特丹市政府,现在则为王室迎宾馆。  西教堂(Westerkerk/toren, Prinsengracht 281):进教堂免费。登塔参观须参加每小时一次的导游团。塔高85公尺,需步行上楼。从塔上可一览阿姆斯特丹全景,值得一看。  海尼根啤酒博物馆(Heineken Brouwerij, Stadtouderkade 78):海尼根啤酒博物馆1988年以前是生产啤酒的工厂。跟随导游参观约需一个半小时。参观后可无限量畅饮啤酒,是一项颇受欢迎的行程。  考斯特钻石厂:考斯特钻石厂是世界上最著名的钻石厂,维多利亚女皇皇冠上的钻石便是在这里切割打磨出来的,光凭这一点,就足以让所有的女人兴奋不已了。  凡·高博物馆(Rijksmuseum Vincent van Glgh P. Potterstraat 7):凡·高博物馆在考斯特钻石厂的附近。凡·高博物馆门票较贵,但物有所值,此处收藏了凡·高的许多名作,如“向日葵”、“罂粟花”、有耳朵的和没有耳朵的自画像,以及他生命中最后一年中所作的四幅油画;但并不是所有的作品,那幅无以伦比的“繁星之夜”便不在此处。博物馆中还有许多其他人的画作展出,都是历史上“荷兰画派”的代表作。这些油画和凡·高的早期作品一样,阴暗晦涩,仿佛失掉了所有的色彩。想起荷兰天空中一直阴云密布,所以也无怪乎这些油画是那样的阴暗。后人曾推断凡·高是在服了一种致幻的药物之后才画出了后期的那些作品,现在想来这种推断也是有道理的。在荷兰的阴云笼罩下能画也那么明亮的色彩,还真有些不可思议呢。  此外,阿姆斯特丹一些有名的游览景点还有:阿姆斯特克林博物馆(Amstelkring Museum,O.Z.Vooburgwal 40)、荷兰海洋博物馆(Nederlands Scheepvaart Museum, Kattenburgerplein)、安妮之家(Nmme Frankguis Prinsengracht263)、阿姆斯特丹历史博物馆(Amsterdams Historisch Museum,Kalverstraat 92)、市立现代美术馆(Stedelijk Museum of Modren Art,P.Potterstraat 13)等。  ②美国纽约州的工业城市。位于莫霍克河畔,伊利运河附近。人口2.1万。最早居民多来自荷兰,故以荷兰城市阿姆斯特丹命名。1825年伊利运河开凿后,发展迅速。1831年建镇。1855年建市。工业以轻工业为主。有规模很大的地毯、毛毯厂,还生产手套、衬衣、纽扣、纸盒等产品。有历史建筑物盖·帕克庄园(1766年),现已作为保存印第安人和殖民时代文物的陈列馆。



唐 · 杜甫










France has a long culinary tradition. French cuisine nowadays is a result of centuries of research, elaboration and perfection. The French are proud of their cuisine. It is an integral part of their culture. Thanks to the interest in the French for good food, the chefs have always been encouraged to elaborate new dishes to satisfy the most discriminating palate.The origins of the success of French cuisine can be attributed to Catherine de Medicis. When she became Queen of France in 1533, she brought her own Florentine chefs from Italy. At this time, Italian chefs were more experienced than French chefs. They introduced new dishes and sophisticated techniques that they adapted to French products. This gave French cooking a real boost, and the country's culinary influence has never stopped.French cuisine is sophisticated, varied, well balanced and based on local and high-quality products. France has established some regulations to protect product names from fraud, and guarantee the origin and product quality to the customer. To carry the prestigious label "Appélation d'Origine Contrôlée" (A.O.C), products must comply with strict rules related to geography, varieties, method of fabrication and other criteria.Unlike other countries, France does not have one national dish. Because each region has its own local products and specialties, it is more appropriate to name regional dishes than a single one. Here is a tour de France of the regional specialties:AlsaceAlsace cuisine is strong and unique. It plays a major part on holidays and at family gatherings. Alsatian cuisine is rich and copious. Most Alsatian dishes are not found in other parts of France. The most famous specialty is Chouchroute, sauerkraut garnished with potatoes and a variety of meats such as sausage, pork or ham. The Baeckaoffe is a one-of-a-kind Alsatian fare baked with white wine usually in a traditional pottery dish only made in the village of Soufflenheim. It's a stew comprised of pork, beef and lamb garnished with potatoes. There are many Alsatian cakes and desserts, but the best is the Kougelhopf, brioche pastry with butter, eggs, raisins, whole almonds marinated in kirsch. At Christmas, bredles and gingerbreads decorate the tables of all Alsatian families. Bredles are cookies of different shapes flavoured with anise, cinnamon or almond.BrittanyBrittany has excellent fresh seafood: Coquilles-St-Jacques (sea scallops), lobsters, langoustes, crabs, clams, shrimps, mussels, and oysters will all be found on the market stalls of Brittany. This region is also famous for traditional crêperies serving wheat crêpes and buckwheat galettes accompanied with cider. La Chandeleur, celebrated February 2nd, is the crêpes day in France. Eating crêpes the day of la Chandeleur will bring a year of happiness!BurgundyA trip to France would not be complete without sampling escargots and frog's legs. Burgundy snails are with the petis-gris snails, the two varieties eaten in France. Escargots à la Bourgignonne are stuffed with garlic butter. Frog's legs are sautéed in butter with fine herbs. The Boeuf Bouguignon is another typical Burgundy specialty. It's a beef stew marinated with Burgundy red wine. The best-known regional product is Mustard de Dijon, secretly produced in the town of Dijon. This strong mustard is used in vinaigrette, sauces and nicely compliments red meat.NormandyNormandy is renowned for the quality of its dairy products and apples. The region is home to the world-known Camembert cheese. Originally made more than 200 years ago in the lovely village of Camembert, genuine Camembert cheese is exclusively produced in Normandy. Apples also play an important part in the Norman cuisine. They are not only used in desserts, but in alcohol and liquors. The region is famous for cider and a strong apple brandy called Calvados. A mixture of Cider and Calvados, the Pommeau de Normandie is another regional beverage. In Normandy, it is tradition to drink a glass of Calvados in the middle of a meal to help digestion. This 200 century-old ritual is called Trou Normand. Nowadays, a Trou Normand is still served in the middle of a meal, but as an apple sorbet soaked with Calvados.ProvenceThe warm and sunny weather of Provence produces high-quality fruits and vegetables whose delicious scents can be spotted in the open markets of Southern France. The basic ingredients of Provençal cuisine are olive oil, garlic and herbes de Provence. Among the typical provençal dishes, Ratatouille is a vegetable stew made out of tomatoes, peppers, zucchinis, onions and olive oil and Salade Niçoise, comprised of lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, tuna, eggs, black olives and anchovies. As Provence is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Provençal cuisine also revolves around fresh seafood. Marseille's specialty, la Bouillabaisse (seafood bouillon) and Anchoïade (sauce made of anchovies, olive oil, garlic) are two of the main Provençal specialties.Southwest FranceCuisine of Southwest France is made of produits du terroir. Truffles thrive in the Périgord region. Most popular are the Black Perigord Truffles, rare underground mushrooms known for a unique taste and aroma. Truffles are used in sauces, omelettes and numerous other recipes. The other local specialty of the Southwest is goose. Goose's liver is used to make foie gras, which is a traditional Christmas and New Year dish in France. The cities of Toulouse, Castelnaudary, Carcassonne are renown for their Cassoulet, stew made of sausage and white beans. The region is also home to one of the oldest cheeses, Roquefort. It has been produced in the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon for centuries.LyonLyon touts itself as the gastronomic capital of France. The city is home to several world renowned Grands Chefs including Paul Bocuse, Pierre Orsi, Léon de Lyon. Famous professional cooking schools like the Institut Vatel and Paul Bocuse School of Culinary Arts are based in Lyon. Streets are lined with a multitude of small family-run bistros called Bouchons Lyonnais, and these serve traditional Lyonaise food. Local specialities include Andouillette de Lyon (sausage made out of pork chitterlings and marinated with white wine), Quenelles (light dumpling made of fish), and Rosette de Lyon (dry sausage made from leg of pork). Lyon is also known for regional cheeses, such as Saint Marcellin, and locally made chocolates and candies, called Coussins de Lyon (marzipan sweets shaped and decorated like cushions).SavoySavoy features a traditional mountain cooking based on cheese and potatoes. Savoy's cheese-board includes, among others, Tomme de Savoie, Beaufort, Reblochon and Emmental de Savoie. One of the authentic Savoyard dishes is Tartiflette, a gratin of potatoes with reblonchon cheese, onions and bacon bits. Two Savoyard dishes have popularity extended far beyond the Alps: Fondue, half emmental, half beaufort cheese melt with Savoy white wine in a special saucepan and Raclette, raclette cheese melt in a special grill and served with potatoes, delicatessen products and pickles.CorsicaCorsica produces excellent cheese, meats and deli products known for their singular flavour. It is an unspoiled island where pigs, goats and ewes are raised freely. Dishes are prepared with spices exclusively found in the Corsican scrub. Cheese is still made by shepherds using ancestral ways. These factors, combined with a mild climate, produce unique and high-quality products. Many Corsican recipes are prepared with Bruccio, a fresh goat cheese that is only created here. It is used in omelettes, and with pastas, meats, fish or vegetables. Chestnuts are omnipresent in Corsican food. They are used in cakes, pies, donuts and custard tarts.As with all cooking, French cooking is considered an art. And as with any art form, it has roots in the past, but remains in a constant state of evolution. French chefs are always striving to maintain high-quality standards, while also demonstrating creativity.




一、南京特色美食小吃攻略? 南京是座非常具有魅力气息的城市,不仅有许多现代化气息的建筑,还有各式各样的美食,深受很多游客的喜爱。那么南京有...